UNA Pressroom

The University Of North Alabama Board Of Trustees Extends Offer To Dr. Kenneth Kitts To Serve As Una's Next President

Nov. 05, 2014

Michelle Eubanks, UNA, at media@agyyjt1.com, 256.765.4392 or 256.606.2033

Bryan Rachal, Public Affairs and Media Relations FLORENCE, Ala. K8彩乐园董事会成员今天下午举行会议,决定谁将成为下一任校长. After some brief time in executive session, the board reconvened and decided that Dr. Kenneth Kitts would be the best choice for the next president at UNA. Marty Abroms, president of the UNA Board of Trustees, said that Trustee Joel Anderson would call Kitts to extend an offer of employment. 他说,他们有信心能够协商出一份可接受的雇佣合同和开始工作的日期. “招聘过程中最困难的部分是权衡所有候选人的优点,因为每个候选人都有很多优点,我们找不到缺点, try as we might. The good news, as I've said before, is thanks to the hard work of the Search Committee, our Board can't make a bad decision. But we are attempting to make the best decision for UNA. I think Joel said it well: It's the best candidate for UNA now," said Abroms. 基茨目前担任北卡罗来纳大学彭布罗克分校教务长和学术事务副校长. Kitts' resume can be found here: http://1jf.agyyjt1.com/administration/presidential-search/Ken-Kitts-CV.pdf